
Kasparstr. 2, Melchiorstr. 1

This house in the sought-after Agnesviertel is conveniently located near Ebertplatz and was renovated in 2017. The Catholic University and the University of Music and Dance are within walking distance, and it takes 20 minutes by bike to get to the university. You live in WGS, housing for families is available on request.

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Kasparstraße 2 50670  Köln
Linie 18, Haltestelle: Ebertplatz

General offer

Shared apartment
Bicycle parking space
Suitable for musicians
Shared balcony
Family friendly
Underground car park


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Floor plans and energy certificates

We can provide floor plans and energy certificates for many of the student accommodation buildings.

The floor plans are merely examples to give you an idea of the general layout of the accommodation and rooms. Also, some of the differences between individual flats, rooms and buildings do not show on this type of plan.