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For university events

Are you planning an internal university event and require catering? Whether you need catering, lunch tickets or vouchers, our catering team will be happy to provide you with a customized offer.

Catalog & Inquiry

Our catering service offers you the opportunity to make an inquiry conveniently and easily using our online form. Simply fill out the form and we will get back to you as soon as possible to discuss all further details and provide you with a customized quote.

Lunch tickets and vouchers

Do you need lunch tickets or vouchers? You must complete the following request for both options. Select the “Lunch ticket” option if you would like to invite your guests to eat with you. The tickets can be redeemed in the specified canteens. You or the invoice recipient will then be charged for the meal. 

We charge a processing fee of 50 euros for subsequent invoice changes.  

We are happy to help

Sabine Heister
Eventmanagerin Hochschulgastronomie
0221 94265 - 405

Lukas Theerat Kaps
Sachbearbeiter Catering
0221 94265 - 401