
Arrive and feel at home
Dormitory Tutor Program

Interested in meeting new people, organising events in an international team or volunteering? We are always happy to welcome new tutors and assistants to our teams. For further information please contact our coordinator or the tutor teams directly!

The tutors:

  • Organise general educational, musical, cultural and sports activities for the residents (such as orientation for "first-time students" and welcome evenings for international students, cooking events, parties, live concerts, clothing exchanges, photo competitions, sports tournaments and much more),
  • Promote social interaction in the dormitories,
  • Are the interface between the residents and the Cologne Studeierendenwerk and represent student’s interests,
  • Assist the residents - especially international students, "Freshmen" and students with disabilities - in organisational matters and help them “feel welcome" in Cologne and at the universities.

The tutors' assistants actively support the team of tutors in implementing the events and contribute to a varied programme through their diversity. Our social education worker Claudia Wiedemann further supports the tutor teams with counselling.


Wir helfen gerne weiter

Trang Nguyen
0221 94265 - 562
0173 6144454

The language meet up from the 'werk'
Café Babylon

Speak up at Café Babylon – every wednesdeay in the semester

Improve your language skills in Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, French, German, Chinese or English - moderated by native speakres. Meet fellow students in a relaxed practice atmosphere and get to know new people.