Von Mi 16.12. - So 3.1. geschlossen

Infopoint Servicehaus

Wenn du Fragen zu Wohnen, Finanzierung und Mensakarten hast, besuche unseren Infopoint. Wir informieren dich und geben dir Tipps rund ums Studium.

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Universitätsstr. 16 50937  Köln
Köln Universität
Opening hours
Infopoint Servicehaus
Im Semester Mo - Do  from  9:00 - 16:00
Fr  from  9:00 - 14:00


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Floor plans and energy certificates

We can provide floor plans and energy certificates for many of the student accommodation buildings.

The floor plans are merely examples to give you an idea of the general layout of the accommodation and rooms. Also, some of the differences between individual flats, rooms and buildings do not show on this type of plan.