We would like to help you finding your way around Cologne. If you have any question about your studies and daily life in Germany, check out the helpful link list below.
Das Kölner Studierendenwerk bietet dir folgende Beratungsleistungen an:
Psychological consultation
Social counselling
Learning advice
BAföG (German Federal Training Assistance Act) can be provided to international student only under certain circumstances.Check here for contacts.
If you want to apply for a scholarship, check out the following links
For advice, please contact our Social Counseling. For more information check out the information provided by the Deutsches Studierendenwerk.
After your 30th birthday or your 14th term of study you can no longer get public health insurance at the favourable student rate. Therefore, the Deutsches Studentenwerk has made a general agreement with the UNION Versicherungsdienst GmbH and Advigon Versicherung AG for students who cannot get insurance with a public health fund. Find out more here.
Tip: The Deutsche Studentenwerk has summarized all important information about stuying in germany here.