
Affordable living near the university
Student Housing

Students of the University of Cologne, the Cologne University of Technology, the German Sport University Cologne, the Academy of Media Arts Cologne, the Academy of Music and Dance Cologne, the Catholic University Cologne, the CBS International Business School and the MU - Media University of Applied Sciences can apply for a place in a residence hall.

Rent adjustment 2022
Rent adjustment necessary due to rising energy costs

The extremely sharp rise in energy costs has unfortunately forced us to adjust our warm rents. Despite the doubling of energy costs, we have kept the increase within reasonable limits for you. We hope that the markets will calm down again in the long term, but we urge you to use water, electricity and heating sparingly. We have compiled tips for you on how to use energy sparingly.

We wish you a successful and enjoyable time in Cologne!

Frequently asked questions

Frequently asked questions

Living in Cologne - Is that even possible?

You've no doubt heard that living space in Cologne is in short supply? Don't worry! We have a few tips for you on how to find an affordable apartment and other things to consider!

How much does a room in Cologne cost?

According to the latest survey by the German Studentenwerk, a student in Cologne spends on average 367.00 euros per month on rent including utilities. Across Germany the average is 323.00 euros.

When is the best time to find a room?

It is easier to find a room during the lecture period than at the beginning of the semester. As a future freshman you should look for a room or an apartment directly after you have received your admission to the university. Don't wait long - the sooner you look, the sooner you will find something. You can apply for a place in a residence hall even without admission. Are your studies already underway? Then it is best to look for a new home towards the end of the semester because many students move out and apartments or rooms become available.

Dormitories of the Cologne Studierendenwerk

Still the best and cheapest way to live during your studies. But our rooms are very much in demand and very limited. So apply quickly! Here you can find all the information you need about the application process and our dormitories.

What do I have to do to get a room at the Studierendenwerk?

The → online application is the fastest way to your flat.

How long must I wait until I am offered a room?

Depending on the applicant situation and the available rooms, the waiting time varies. If you want an apartment or room near the university you will have an especially long wait.

International students participating in the ERASMUS programme or other exchange programmes and only stay in Cologne for a few months are likely to be offered a room in our dormitories immediately. 

I would like to live with my girlfriend/boyfriend/friend in a shared flat. What do I have to do?

You both have to submit an application and inform us (informally by email or phone) that you want to live together in a shared flat.

Can I refuse an offer?

Yes, but after rejecting the third offer, your application will be considered invalid and you will not receive another offer.

How do I get my key?

You can get the keys for your room at the office of your dormitory building. Show your tenancy agreement and you will receive the document titled "Office Hours" which will inform you when you can pick up your keys.

What is "Mein Zuhause in Köln"?

The project Mein Zuhause in Köln (My Home in Cologne) from the Studierendenwerk has been successfully arranging private rooms and apartments for students for years. Find out more about → private room enrolment.

What is “Wohnen für Hilfe”?

Wohnen für Hilfe (Housing for Help) is the name of the housing partnership concept of the Office for Housing of the City of Cologne and the University of Cologne. Students can live rent-free through this program and in return help the landlords in the household and in everyday life. The rule of thumb is: one hour of volunteering per month per square meter of living space.

→ In the inclusive living housing in Cologne-Rodenkirchen disabled people and students live together in a community. Up to 11 students can live here rent-free. They help out by doing tasks in their shared flat by the hour. Students should be between 18 and 24 years old and plan to live in the shared flat for at least two years. The housing project is unique in NRW and a new form of living with many advantages and opportunities for everyone.

What about all the public stuff? Social housing, residence entitlement certificate and housing allowance

Social housing is housing whose construction has been subsidised by public funds and which is therefore available at lower rents than those on the free housing market. 

To be able to move into social housing, you must have a certificate of eligibility for housing (WBS). This entitles low-income citizens to move into social housing. You can find out how to obtain such a Wohnberechtigungsschein at → this link.

You can apply for a housing allowance at → Wohngeldstelleder Stadt Köln.

Are there other options for me?

Yes, the Kölner Studierendenwerk has two partners:

Gebausie - Gesellschaft für Bauen und Wohnen GmbH der Stadt Brühl - This organisation offers apartments for students in the city of Brühl. 

The → GAG also offers apartments for students.

What do I have to consider when an apartment is offered through an estate agent?

The brokerage fee or commission may not exceed two cold rents plus VAT.

You only have to pay this commission if:

  • The new rental contract was signed after using a broker. This does not apply to extended rental contracts.
  • The apartment is not owned or managed/let by the estate agent.
  • A brokerage agreement was signed beforehand.




More questions?

We are here to help you.

Student Housing
50937 Cologne

Tel. 0221 942 65 - 211 bis -228, -237, -239

Appointments by arrangement


Student Housing

Student Housing

Student Housing

Universitätsstr. 14 
50937 Cologne

Tel. 0221 942 65 211 bis - 228, - 237, - 239
Fax 0221 94265 212


Consultation, room offers, contracts

Infopoint Universitätsstr. 14

Universitätsstr. 14
50937 Cologne
Tel. 0221 942 65 - 0
Fax 0221 942 65 - 203

Office Hours
Mon – Fri from 8 am – 6 pm



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Sofia Emexidis
0221 94265 225