
Reininghauser Str. 41, 43

This inexpensive dormitory is located 6 minutes by bike from the campus of the TH in Gummersbach. You live in the countryside and have an hourly train connection to Cologne from the TH. The house offers 42 places in furnished 5 and 6-person shared flats as well as parking facilities.

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Reininghauser Straße 41 51643  Gummersbach
Bus 318 & 363, Haltestelle: Gummersbach Am Hepel, Bahnhaltestelle: Gummersbach Bahnhof

General offer

Shared apartment
Parking options


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Floor plans and energy certificates

We can provide floor plans and energy certificates for many of the student accommodation buildings.

The floor plans are merely examples to give you an idea of the general layout of the accommodation and rooms. Also, some of the differences between individual flats, rooms and buildings do not show on this type of plan.