The Stoppersöckchen daycare centre is located in the University of Cologne's Kinderhaus, close to the campus in Cologne-Lindenthal. From Monday to Friday, various types of childcare are offered with different opening hours. Group form I: 20 children from the age of two until they start school. Weekly care time: 45 hours, Mon - Fri 7.30 am - 4.30 pm. Group form II: 10 children aged one to three years. Weekly care time: 45 hours, Mon - Fri 7.30 am - 4.30 pm. The rooms of the daycare centre are on two levels - covering a total of approx. 300 m² for two groups of children. A multi-purpose room offers space for music, dance and movement. There is a separate sleeping room for nap time after lunch. In the large outdoor area, children can play together with the other children in the Kinderhaus.