

The Stoppersöckchen daycare centre is located in the University of Cologne's Kinderhaus, close to the campus in Cologne-Lindenthal. From Monday to Friday, various types of childcare are offered with different opening hours. Group form I: 20 children from the age of two until they start school. Weekly care time: 45 hours, Mon - Fri 7.30 am - 4.30 pm. Group form II: 10 children aged one to three years. Weekly care time: 45 hours, Mon - Fri 7.30 am - 4.30 pm. The rooms of the daycare centre are on two levels - covering a total of approx. 300 m² for two groups of children. A multi-purpose room offers space for music, dance and movement. There is a separate sleeping room for nap time after lunch. In the large outdoor area, children can play together with the other children in the Kinderhaus.


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Weyertal 111 50931  Köln
Opening hours
Mon - Fri  from  07:30 - 16:30


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Contact persons

Christina Papafilippou
0221 942 65 - 611

Manage family and student life
Studying with a child

Balancing studies and family life is a real challenge.

We will work with you to find out about possible support services and tell you where you can apply for them. We can also put you in touch with other advice centers that can help.