
Can I study with a child?!
Daycare at the Werk

The Cologne StudierendenWerk supports you so that you can master your studies while raising a child. Not only do we offer childcare in one of our three kindergartens, but we also provide comprehensive counselling.

We can advise pregnant students and studying mothers and fathers about their rights and possible financial aid. Even if there are non-studying related problems, you can contact our professional counselling service free of charge.

The Cologne Studierendenwerk offers two daycare facilities for children between one and three years of age, a kindergarten for children from two years to school age and a daycare center for children from one year to school age. Among our four facilities: Campus-Zwerge, Stoppersöckchen and Purzelbaum - your child is sure to find the right concept for them.

Individual needs, wishes and interests
Your child in focus

We pick up where your child is left off! 

The basis of our pedagogical work is the situational approach. The individual life situation of the child is the focus of our work. Guided by the child's needs, wishes and interests, we develop programs that involve the children's everyday life, their experiences, questions and adventures. In order to make it easier for you and your child to settle in, the child gets to know our daycare center, based on the ‘Berlin model’, a careful approach involving small steps and the presence of the mother or father.


Food and Drinks

For 49 € per month your child receives a lovingly prepared breakfast, a freshly cooked lunch from one of our canteens, a small snack in the afternoon and drinks.


The midday nap

In our daycare centres we make sure that the children can rest together after lunch. For this purpose each child has its own place to put their head down. Your child is welcome to bring their own dummies or their favourite cuddly toy from home. In addition, songs or a story read aloud accompany the children as they fall asleep. Individual sleeping needs and habits are taken into account by our teachers.

Diapers / Cleanliness education

Our diaper changing times are based on the individual rhythm of the child. We take great care to respect the children's privacy and will. We ask you to bring your own diapers and care products from home.

Childcare costs

We are an institution funded by and according to the Childcare Education Act (KiBiz). As a mother or father, you pay a monthly contribution to the Youth Welfare Office of the City of Cologne. This fee is based on your income. In addition, there is the above-mentioned flat rate for meals.

We are happy to help!

Secretary's Office Daycare Centers
Universitätsstr. 14
50937 Cologne
Tel. 0221 94265 – 572

Martin Paschen